
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Are you a big boy or a baby?

Are you a big boy or a baby?

For the past 6 months or so, I have frequently asked Brandon, "Are you a big boy ... or a baby?" And he has always answered with a shy, little smile, "baby". That is ... until about a week ago ... and now he says, "BIG BOY!" with a sly grin. It's totally bittersweet as he's such a fun little, big boy ... but I also wish that he could stay my baby forever! He was excited about his birthday this year. And even though we haven't had electricity for a week - thanks to Hurricane Irma - we didn't let that put a damper on things. He got to open presents, play with water balloons on the trampoline (one of his favorite pastimes) and we went out for a birthday dinner at "the grass restaurant" (Wahoo). Happy 2nd birthday little man!!! You are such a big boy!

Donut Wednesday!!!

Donut Wednesday!!!

Throwback Thursday!

Throwback Thursday!